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What this mum-of-three wishes she could tell her pre-kid self

When it comes to motherhood, nothing or no one can really prepare you for what you’re in for.
But after welcoming three beautiful daughters and experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum with her pregnancies, there’s a lot Sophie Pearce would go back and tell her younger self. 
One of the biggest things she wishes she could go back and hear is not to let people scare you. 
“It is so challenging at times, but you’ll find a way to do it that works for you and the family, and it will bring you more joy than you could ever imagine,” she told 9Honey Parenting.
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HG is a really hard experience, and looking back now, Sophie admits it took a toll on her at the time. 
“When I experienced HG for the first time and thoroughly disliked – OK, hated – being pregnant,” she said. 
“I thought this meant that I wasn’t going to be ‘naturally’ good at being a mum, or it meant I wasn’t going to bond with my baby once she was born.
“So I wish I could go back and speak to her and assure her that she’s going to be an incredible mum and that Poppy and her connection would be amazing.” 
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As for actual parenting, well, Sophie is the first to admit there’s no parent quite like the one who doesn’t have kids yet. 
“Don’t get set on the way that you’re going to parent or the rules you’re going to have, it will all change,” she said. 
“As I say, there’s no expert on parenting like the person who doesn’t have kids yet. Your kids will have sugar sometimes, they’ll have screens sometimes and that’s okay too.” 
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Becoming a mum to three girls, Poppy, six, Goldie, four and 18-month-old Pearl, is something she never thought would happen.  
“Growing up with two brothers, I thought I was going to be a boy mum,” she said. 
“But my husband and I have been absolutely stoked to have the privilege of raising three girls. Seeing sisterhood play out in front of me is so so special.” 
Motherhood is something Sophie admitted you just can’t sum up in a few words. 
“It is an absolute rollercoaster,” she explained.
“It’s cliché, but the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. No matter what, it is the greatest thing I’ve ever done. It’s truly full of surprises. 
“In fact, Bugaboo’s new research survey found that a staggering 60 per cent of Australian parents admit that parenthood and having a child is not what they prepared for it to be.”
And while there’s a lot you cannot prepare for, the co-host of the Beyond The Bump podcast these are the things that she wishes she could go back and tell herself before kids. 
“You will sleep again (or get used to the lack of sleep) and your bub waking up once a night at six months is completely normal! Don’t overthink it,” she said. 
“On the same topic, if your bub is awake for slightly longer than their awake window, they will be OK! Don’t stress.” 
Sophie said she wished she knew there’s no one way to do any part of parenting.
“Do what comes naturally to the situation, whether that be sleep, feeding, settling, whatever and if or when it isn’t working then seek advice. You know more than you think you do.” 
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Any new mum knows the absolute overwhelm that comes with shopping for baby products and for Sophie, that was her pram. 
“I wish someone had advised me to get my Bugaboo Donkey pram from the start and that it would grow with my family rather than starting with a single pram and having to get another one as my family grew,” she explained. 
“Also, the Bugaboo Donkey is built to last so you can feel assured it’ll last long enough for you to use with multiple kids for years. Our Bugaboo Donkey has grown with all three of my girls – one seat to two seats to two seats with a scooter board attachment. It’s durable and makes navigating parenthood a breeze so that we can focus on what truly matters most, spending quality time with our families.”
And lastly, which is one all mums will resonate with, what comes after birth. 
“I wish someone had told me about afterbirth pains, they took me by surprise,” she said.
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